News! We're Cutting Costs, Not More Trees!
As you
know Champlain College has made as strong push to reduce our paper consumption.
We have made a big shift from desktop printers to shared multifunction
printers, which reduce cost from 1 penny per page to 1/1000 of a penny per
page. Those savings add up very quickly! We have also encouraged professors to
utilize Angel drop boxes which has made a huge impact!
How is
this all paying off?
to recent analysis of our 2012FY paper usage it is paying of BIG TIME!
Thanks to
your efforts we have cut costs by about $6000 in the last year alone! We spent
18% less on copying in the 2012FY than the previous year! We REDUCED the amount
of paper we used by 10% compared to last year and 19% compared to 2006. That's
right in just 5 short years Champlain College has cut its paper usage by almost
1/5, which is certainly progress from the Champ Support
article written last year. But wait there's more! 82% of the copy
paper that we use is made up at least partially of RECYCLED paper. Overall we
are making a significant environmental as well as financial impact.